How to overcome... MN Interior Designer review on personal and design level

We all have obstacles/things in our lives to grow or shrink from.  I have experienced both….  Here are some lessons I have learned from a personal side & design side.  

Personal Side

  1. Life is short… stop waiting or stating, “I’ll do it tomorrow”.

    This was hard for me to overcome.  My older sister Renee who passed away in August 2018 could see what I couldn’t see.  She knew I could run my own business and when I started working for Susan Stafne Design back in ’98 my first career position, she told me I would be Susan one day.  I never believed her.  I never had the faith in myself until she received her angel wings.  Actually, it was two years later in August 2020 when I finally did the unthinkable and started my own interior design business.  It took me some additional years to know my strength and to see I wouldn’t look back from doing it. 

  2. Know your worth…

    I am a Mom, Wife, Friend, Sister, Daughter, Colleague, etc… I had to start looking at what I have accomplished in my life and be proud of it.  I had to stop working towards perfection and start working to “Living one Day at a Time.”  I had to remember that I will never know all the “why’s” until I receive my angel wings.  Until that day, I need to trust myself and not let others tell me I cannot do something because it wasn’t done before or “Are you sure you want to do that what if…”

  3. Give myself grace

    This is big one for me.  I didn’t give myself grace in the beginning.  I used to be so hard on my inner self.  I would say things to myself that I wouldn’t dare to say to a friend or my family.  Why did I do that to myself?  Easy… I didn’t love myself or give myself grace.  I am not perfect nor will I ever be.  No matter how many times I practice, I will not reach perfection.  But it’s no longer perfection I am after, it’s the journey in getting there.  The up’s & down’s that make the journey.  To love myself as my family, friends, colleagues, etc… love me. 

Design Side

  1. Love

    This is important in both the personal & design side.  If I don’t love what I am giving my clients or love what I’m doing, how can I have my clients adore the outcome?  I put love and passion in everything I do.  It does drive my husband crazy at times, but he knows I am giving it more than 100%.  It’s just who I am.  I want to give my clients the best.  It could mean the best experience, process, listening, communicating, etc…

  2. Give you permission to like what you like

    One of my clients stated it perfectly… “You give me permission to like what I like.”  That’s it.  You know what you want.  I am the guide on your design journey.  You are the “hero.”  I provide you a process that’s easy and understandable.    

  3. It’s about Function

    The #1 reason clients hire CW Design is because the function is broken.  It’s no longer working for them as it did in the past.  Maybe your lifestyle has changed or you’re remodeling your dream kitchen.  Yes, you want it to be aesthetically pleasing but more than that, you want it to flow or be functionable for your family.  I provide you the “why” it’s not working and give you options that will work for your family & lifestyle. 

Why am I writing a blog on reminiscing?  How can this relate to helping you with your design project?  I have done a lot of soul searching, hiring a business coach, and working on my inner self.   So, when things happen during your project remodel like, “your tile is backordered for 3 months” or “on a waiting list for your Cambria kitchen countertops,” you have someone who is proactive on your side instead of reactive.  Wouldn’t you want someone who can understand and be able to break the dilemma down into an easy process?  That’s what I do.  I have been through a lot of heartache personally & professionally.  I have gone through it; not around or over or under.  But through the fire to get to where I am today….

CW Design was created to bring beautiful, functional, accessible design to your lifestyle.  My design services are based on empowering and collaboration with you.  I am here to listen and give you permission to like what you like.  Making your home beautiful and functional is my passion. 

I am only a phone call away to make your possibility into a reality….

CW Design – Rising together with you


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