2023 Goals for Everyday... Are they Important for a Calm Wellness Lifestyle?

A good day… Sometimes it’s easier to say than to do.  I wanted to set some goals/intentions for 2023 around that, a good day.  But how… When I set these goals, I still had a broken ankle, was wearing a boot, and was feeling sorry for myself.  Bitter table for one please 😂.  

My favorite yoga instructor Yoga With Adriene has a 30-day challenge in the month of January.  My goal was to do it with a broken ankle since I would not be seeing the Orthopedic Doctor till January 7th.  I had 7 days before seeing him and did not want to reinjure it or put additional strain on it.  So, January 1st came and that was a learning day in this challenge.  She talks about how to set ourselves up for success.  Maybe some days we don’t feel like showing up but still do it to make it a habit.  That’s how I felt.  I showed up the first 7 days and did not go into any positions that were painful.  After seeing the Orthopedic Doctor, he stated Yoga was great exercise for me.  So, I tried ignoring the pain on day 8.   

I think there are two different kinds of pains.  One is a pain that I cannot ignore, and it just hurts.  Another is pain that I can breathe through and it’s just uncomfortable.  This pain was one I couldn’t ignore, so I laid on my back with one leg up in the air started making circles with my ankles on the positions I could not get into.  I did not turn it off or just give up.  I did this for a couple of minutes on each side.  In the past, I would never have done something different because it’s not what the instructor was doing.  I was relearning to listen to my body.  I was developing new goals and intentions for myself daily.

Are goals important?  Yes, it helped me conquer my fear of being different than my peers. Thinking I cannot do something different from the instructor is just wrong.  Now, I am on day 20 and am feeling great.  Due to my injury I had to listen to my body more.  I had to stop focusing on what Adriene was doing and more on what I can do without putting strain on it. 

In the past, I would have bared down and just did it.  Go into that position and disregard what my body was telling me.  Completely ignoring myself.  Not focusing on my breath, nor body, nor me.  I was being very judgmental of myself because I couldn’t keep up. I was doing the opposite of what Adriene was teaching ❤.

How does all of this relate back to my business?  Easy: Trusting oneself, being kind, and enjoying the experience.  Yes, it’s going to be chaotic.  You will be experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions throughout the process.  Excited in the beginning, waiting and thinking it’s never going to end when the construction starts, being overjoyed when the cabinets get installed, and then back down to “Are you done yet!” …. Yes, my Yoga experience was the same.  I had to trust the process and myself.  Listen to my intuition and know what I can become with a great leader. I had the tools and knowledge in my toolbelt from Adriene.  Having my broken ankle was my “AHA” moment.  I had to listen to my body, be present, and quit judging myself. I sympathize with myself and know it’s OK to do something different.

CW Design wants to collaborate with you and be part of your design journey.  I want to take YOUR stressful overwhelmed project and breathe life & joy into it.  I am here to listen and give you permission to like what you like.  My design services are based on empowering and collaboration with you.  Making your home beautiful and functional is my passion. 

CW Design – Rising together with you


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